Monday, April 12, 2010

Can the trees drop anything else this year?

Okay, so I'm a pool owner who has overhanging trees. I know that trees drop leaves, but am I the only one who thinks it's lasting for an extended time this year? It seems like I've been raking leaves for an eternity, and just as I put my last (20th? 30th?) bag of leaves at the curb, hoping that I could relax and enjoy the warmer temperatures, it seems the trees have switched their ammunition.

Leaves are bad enough, but at least they sink and I can scrape them off the bottom of the pool as I have time, either with my trusty leaf bag or the pool sweep. But the trees latest ammunition is the floating see pod. This is a devious attack because it floats down like a gentle snow and then floats on the surface until it gets pulled into the skimmer where it ...... keeps floating. Within minutes the skimmer is plugged up and stops working, which means the remaining ones stay floating in the middle of the pool.

My volunteer pool cleaner (she's 11 years old) quit last week saying "I don't care if I can't use the pool this summer, I'm not scooping any more ....." I can't blame her, it is a tedious job.

Well, I have lot's more pool stories to tell, but I'll pause here to see what your stories are. Pumps gone bad? Can't move the filter valve to backwash? Pool sweep wants to dive through the water like a solo synchronized swimmer? Let's talk about it .....

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